opss entri lepas birthday dorang hehehe....
just want to say that i looooooove both of u so much
thanks for bring me up till what i am today
thanks for all your support, kind and purely love all this while
there are no others like both of you
i am too much lucky to have parents as both of you
pampered me so well
give what i want in this life
your love in unreplaceable..
till now and then..
Thanks for the love.
Happy birthday mum (091011- lve this date so much)
Happy birthday Dad (211011- my dada seem more cuter nowadays miaahha)
p/s: ayu akan kahwin bila ada lelaki yang boleh sayang and cintakan ayu dua kali ganda kasih sayang yang diberikan ayahanda... wink...if not yet..ah biarlah dulu,, single life is best!
Selamat hari jadi mak .. ayah ..
ReplyDeleteMoga mak dan ayah sentiasa sihat dan beroleh rahmat dariNya ..
@Rashidamiiiin thanks...and lupa...semoga mereka pnajang umur n murah rezeki...=)