we are always together in university time..and digelar cheekies oleh coursemate sebab bising dimana-mana saja kami berada. Lol. its not because of want attention but just having fun, we don't care what people may think about us. and trust me, we never argue among each other. never! until now, semua dok jauh hanya watsaapp group yang mendekatkan kami heehu..untuk bergosip-gosip gitu lho...iyanya haruss hehe
julia, risma, izzatul (yang kahwin tu), chee-chee, me and carol.
boleh dikatakan kami kawan 1 malaysia. sebab berlainan bangsa,
differ negeri (sabahan and sarawakian)..ahaha..macam-macam kaum ada.
12/06/2011 - going to kenduri kahwin izzatul. semua berkumpul tinggal di hotel semata-mata nak pergi kenduri..awesome tak awesome...
"Jerawat saya paling bijak time nak kenduri lah dia muncul keluar besar gedabak"
tak sporting and sabotaj me during the kenduri hewhewhew
btw, happy jumpa the cheekies...
lama dah tak jumpa dorang sejak convocation dulu, sekarang semua dah kerja..all are teachers one is lecturer . Muka still the same, tapi semakin bergaya..dan topik perbincangan kali ni agak skema...pasal sekolah, pasal pelajar-pelajar, hahaha alaaa cikgu-cikgu :p tapi perangai gila-gila remaja memang tak dapat dihilangkan..we are best friend forever... :)

SElamat Pengantin Baru to Pengerusi Cheekies
Izzatul Nabila dan Sayid Mohsen
siapa punya turn lepas ini? pastinya chee-chee..yang len tak tahu lagi hehe
i add up our pic muahhh..jum berkenalan ngan the cheekies okkayyy??
here are the pengantinnya,, izzatul

owh dengan julia lagiii hehe cantik kan dia...ada kacukan jawa gitu lho.. :p

btw izzatul is beloved sister of bang onn,, blogger sarawak yang tagline blog
"boleh ko loba, tapi pastikan ko kachak.." hehe..lawak click sitok ahh..
"boleh ko loba, tapi pastikan ko kachak.." hehe..lawak click sitok ahh..
sarawakian gerenti pecah perut ketawa bila baca entry blog dia..best!

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