Tuesday, July 7, 2009

tribute to our king of pop....

even it is too late for me...
its okay..i'm waiting for the memorial moments for MJ which will b stream live @ MTV, -1am-
i love him...world has lost one of greatest artist n entertainer...may God bless him..
n tats y i'll do this for him..@least i've done sumthing to show my love for him..well, i hv grown up wif his song~~ *wink!

kat on E! duhal mlm tok tek ---> iklan pdh len haha ;P

to all, i present diz....

princess ayu


  1. sama kita yu....ku pun tga smpi terngantuk2 jak dpn tv.

  2. yalah..ko tau...aku bkn men gik tggu mok diat live *wlpn aku ngantok2 la~~ ;P, diat2..ari ujan...ko tauk jak la mun astro, ari ujan alu xpat diat la tb...tdo jak la ku tek..nsib da ulang gik kt cnel V pg tok tek...& i'm burst into tears time paris berucap..cdey nya...cian~~

  3. yala yu...nya mesti syg glk2 ngn daddy nya...da x kau tga vid mj ngn anak2 nya time nya kck, loving da jk nya.

  4. ada....ciannya cdak..gik kecik bh~~
    n aku stiap kali diat nangis..nang patut d pdh congek aku tok ;P
