Friday, June 12, 2009

if i'm boring, i do diz...=P

play with the colors...

trying a dress which is kinda cute...
but i choose another dress tat i tried on..hee~~

goin sumwer...on d way so take pic girls..

my eyes...dun look @ it..if u still u're under spell =P

the shadows undercovers...who is diz??

princess ayu


  1. demam make up masih berterusan smpi ke lundu a...hehhehe

  2. ahha...penangan kau bh crol..
    maseh...bez banget tp polah jak xpnde haha

  3. hahaha...aku nama jak da sijil, p hampeh tul lah..xtau pahal, kat k3/c/3/3b jak ku pat plh dgn sgt bait. kat tmpt lain, mcm taik jak. huhuhuhu..

  4. hahha...ko msti ada semnagt kmk org bru ko dpt polah bh..heheh...
