
Monday, March 24, 2014

How can i say "I do not love teaching"?

Ok Monday Blues no more untuk hari ini yeay! and ayu berehat sebentar dari my busy life. Jadi teacher sangat sangat busy okeh (sebab nyata ayu hanya mampu buat 12 entri sahaja dalam first semester ini), pergi sekolah pagi, balik pulak petang..fikir dua tiga kali bagi yang nak kahwin cikgu ha ha ha. sebab cikgu ayu pun pikir dua tiga kali ni pasal nak kahwin. nanti entah mana pergi laki, mana pergi bini, anak tak terurus rumah jadi macam kapal karam. hoho suprisingly, i really not ready for that, :') 

Yeay, entri dapat dibuat. sekarang cuti seminggu. ok back to the main topic. How can I say "I do not Love teaching?" see and read by yourself . i received this message on 20th March 2014 last thursday from most excellent student in SMK Lake, Elissa Cresenta who got 8A+ 1A .

see? how busy I am? budak message 11.22am sampai hati cikgu baru reply 1 jam 27 minit lewat. Letih dan lapar tiba-tiba hilang lepas baca message seperti ini dari seorang anak murid. terharu gila, she's just down to earth person..patut pun result gempak. cikgu redha atas segala ilmu yang cikgu ajar k elissa :') kenapa saya suka jadi cikgu? sebab i love to inspire people untuk jadi lebih berjaya dari what I have now. Kalau ayu xdapat nak jadi doctor I want my children at least one of them jadi doctor and orang besar-besar. Kenapa stated my children? sebab i was their former form teacher. I'm happy dengar elissa got 8A+ 1A, Denver got 8A 1B, Elvie got 6A3B..and i'm proud others yang result terbaik telah dicapai untuk masa depan kelak. Eventhough ada yang mungkin tidak dapat result yang memberangsangkan please don't lose hope. Result SPM is not everything, anda masih muda. masih ada banyak ruang untuk memperbaiki diri asalkan usaha berterusan, suka belajar, have determination to reach your own will succeed. I hope i can inspire people untuk menjadi insan yang berjaya dunia dan akhirat :) Aww i love my children so much ..InshaAllah semua akan menjadi orang yang berjaya in their own way amiin.

they are so gila-gila u know

mana cikgu mana student? :p

With Ignatius. I want my own child (nanti Lol) have a leadership skill like him.
 I adore this quality from him. how he will be amazed. 
Owh i always called him YB-to-be :)

here is the best students, Denver and Elvie. I hope Denver akan keluar dari his comfort zone and improvise on his soft-skills in future. And for Elvie i pray for the best. She is hardworking and deserved to get good results

others? i juz looove them mucho! they brought happiness to my life within 2 years being with them.

here you go .. me, denver and elissa.

Tq for the memories all of you made in my life. I really miss every second while
teaching all of u.. do keep in touch.. how can i say "I do not love Teaching"? 

I would never say that.


  1. bestnye..cikgu pon sporting jer..hehe

  2. Ajar math yer...msti graduan math ni juga...

    1. Sis? Hurm...kalu bro leh gak diterima. hahaha. Mgkn nama macam perempuan agaknya.

    2. ahahaha sorry2,, tengok gmbr tp xbaca ngeee minta maaf :')

  3. Congrats yunk for being a good teacher. Cney tumpah ny kuah mun x ke nasik kata org. Congrats again!
