
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

25 March 2014 - MH370 | Deepest condolence

MH370 25 march 2014

Sekuat mana pun hati mengharapkan miracles to happen, mengharapkan MH370 kembali namun perancangan Allah S.W.T adalah sebaik-baik perancangan. Tiada siapa mampu menolaknya ..sincere condolences to all families who have lost. Takziah to the family of MH370 and Al-Fatihah for the muslim passengers , may their souls be placed among the righteous and RIP for the non muslim passengers. It is heartbreaking that it had to end this way but this is life. :'( 

this is really heartbreaking, tak terhenti ari mata membaca.. how does she feels inside. she's just a strong wife. :'(

p/s: Tiada apalah jua kuasa kita sebagai makhluk, doakan yang terbaik untuk mereka di sana...

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