
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pitas Road Campaign | #pitasroad

Have you ever heard this situation? pretty sad isn't it? still macam zaman dulu-dulu. Kawasan ini masih tiada kemuadahan asas yang penting seperti jalan raya. Sakit pun susah nak dapatkan rawatan luar. I heard ramai yang meninggal di pertengahan jalan hendak ke hospital yang berhampiran :'(

My friend, Risma Robin have up a status in her facebook before, saying that
It was a very humbling trip to #PitasRoad. And I cried silently while listening to the people sharing their life stories. I was mad, furious, and I just couldn't stand it. A dad piggybacked his sick daughter, trying to reach his boat and get to the hospital as fast as possible. Only to find out that she died on his back. Didn't even make to the boat which is more than an hour away. The same dad, lst his wife and this time he only manange to gt his wife on the boat. Hospital seems to be do do far away. Two big blows. And that is only one story, form one person.

such a heartbreaking :'(

Pernah membayangkan bagaimana anak-anak kecil di enam buah kampung di Pitas, Sabah ini ke sekolah? Mereka terpaksa meredah hutan belantara, bukit bukau, ladang kelapa sawit, jambatan gantung sebelum menaiki sampan kecil dan berjalan ke sekolah yang berhampiran. Rasanya kita hanya pernah dengar kisah berjalan berjam-jam nak ke sekolah pada zaman mak bapak kita kecil, tapi zaman sekarang, 2014, budak-budak ini masih merasa kehidupan yang susah seperti puluhan tahun lalu. how sad the situation is. :'(

so here it is,, bagaimana situasi sebenar keadaan di Pitas, sabah. It's not about kenegerian. let say maybe ada yang berfikir "aku bukan rakyat sabah, buat apa aku peduli?" it's about kesedaran community, untuk membantu masyarakat dari enam buah kampung ini untuk merealisasikan impian untuk mendapat kemudahan jalan raya untuk kegunaan seramai 3000 penduduk kampung.

so how to help?

anda boleh ke web ini

anda boleh memderma kepada komuniti ini..mungkin dengan adanya 85000 orang yang sedar akan kepentingan projek pitas ini menderma sekurang-kurangnya rm1.. inshaAllah impian mereka akan tercapai akhirnya. Buat adik-adik yang kurang mampu tetapi ingin membantu, just spread the news. Keep on sharing and spreading the pitas road campaign, dengan menggunakan hashtag #pitasroad .

What does the merdeka mean if there are people who still living a hard life which our dad or mum have been through before? :')



  1. Hi sorry for asking out of the topic u've posted. I just wanna ask do u know where to find fabric starch in Kuching area? Bcs im from peninsular & sarawak is still new to me. So i couldnt find any shops that sell fabric starch. hope that u can help me

    1. it's ok sis.. last time bought at super market..dont know where,, maybe kat summer mall ade sis.. i do think so :')

    2. No, I went to summer mall, spring mall & even to giant but they dont have it. It's pretty sad bcs i cant find any here. Hm i really need that starch since i already used to it :( erm it's ok girl, thank u so much fr ur reply!! :')
