
Thursday, February 14, 2013

BR-1 Kanebo Kate Lip Gloss review

I'm actually not fond to lip gloss..but i fall in love with Kanebo Kate lip gloss, BR-1 colour.. ok ade lima shades boleh dipilih kesemuanya. i choose BR-1, sebab suka warna tanah, medium beige, and looks natural on me, giving me a not so trying too hard looks..but just simple and on the go always! ok, i love pakai krim siang, put on blusher sikit, mascara, eyeliner (kalau rajin hehe), and lipstick, or just a lip gloss untuk hari-hari biasa. well baru nampak fresh and konon-konon nak nampak gadis muda belasan tahun..oh pelisss jangan muntah. :p

so here is my picture with Kanebo Kate Lip Gloss BR-1 i love the colour, looks nice on me. thick and shiny coat. rather sticky feeling, shiny, but not too shiny on you.
kanebo kate lip gloss review

I love the packaging, handy, mudah dibawa ke mana-mana, packaging menarik and cute! 
kanebo kate lip gloss BR-1 review

rating Kanebo Kate Kip Gloss: 4/5
harga : is quite reasonable RM18
would by this product again: yes..