
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dandelion's wishes.

Do you love dandelions?
I really do. So much!
always saw dandelions in chinese movie

It represents the dreams, wish and promise and hope
blown away by the wind and make us believe in all of it.

lets view many beautiful dandelions picture i want to share to all of you..

believe in dandelion's promise
when we can't wait for the shooting stars to make a wish

beautiful dandelions picture

Beautiful is it?


  1. Salam daripada Zalora Malaysia.

    Kami sangat meminati blog anda dan cara penulisan anda menarik perhatian kami.

    Kami ingin bertanya adakah anda pernah membeli-belah di sebelum ini? Kami berminat untuk menjalinkan kerjasama bersama anda.

    Email kepada kami di
