
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Siapa Dahlia Teck ni??

di popular??
kenapa popular??
  • cantik kot.....kurus, comel lagi..
  • sexy kann..
  • orang suka dia sebab rambut pnjang mengurai,,girly seh
  • dia 'adik' KFCM...adik ker???? opss! aaaaaaaaaaa larikkkkk!!
  • ttm kot...teman tapi mesra...

naa,,, saya x sebelahi sapa2 ok...maybe ini bayaran untuk seseorang bila terlalu femes..

to Elia Jejari runcing, i know it is hard...but believe me,

#If you love him, Let him go. If he comes back to you, he's yours forever. If he doesn't, it was never meant to be...

#Love is like a butterfly, hold too tight, i'll crush. Hold it too loose, it'll fly..

macamla si Elia baca entry ni ;P
and here is my most like Quotes

Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if you let it fly, it will come back to you when you less expect it.

setuju tak setuju dengan quotes ini???

adios guys!! muaxx


  1. laaa...ermm.. Well,sy pun x mau komen pape,,ape2 pown,moga diorang happy lah. its better,drpda saket ati.kan?

  2. ermm.. meluat gak nmpak perampas nih..
