
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

my convocation day, pictures..wif cheekies~~

it is other thn in my fb account hehe i really think so =) menar gerenti..
nang kepak la ri ya...dr pgi haha...lucu pun ada...dh ari ujan nasib lpas ya panas x la pns gilak sdng2 bgs ya..hehe xberpeloh2 haha..jaik lam gmbr mun berpeloh2..;P

  • tok la big family of the cheekies..meriah x?? haha lucu jak tem berjalan nang riuh la hehe...
  • dr tepi bpak n mummy zatul yg epi jak suka ngatik org haha...yg sampe bpk zatul ngucap thniah ng bapak miak yg bergamba pake jubah konvo anaknya haha lucu kali jak eh..adik ku pun tetak diat nya duak..lucu abissn sporting giler!!
  • then, mak i..cgu wahieda kamaludin..
  • mak risma..yg diam jak---mengkali nya xpaham apa d klaka mek org hahaha diam jak nya..;P
  • mummy julia..yg sentiasa senyum hehe pemenang anugerah senyum of the day!
  • the bapak risma...pun diam hehe--rekod bait bh heheh
  • bapak aku, en obeng @ joni---tkg amik video haha..kamboh juak bpk ku ri ya...n sporting.. hehe
  • ujong2 ya is 3 org adik ku hehehe yg ngegeh binti ngek!! ;)
di depan is cheekies :: carol, risma,izzatul,chee,ayu, julia

cheekies come again to srwak k...i'm gonna miss all the cheekies members hue...
nang best gneg ngan tak org hee~~

carol:: bait..salu brik ku adiah haha...nya akan mbak mek org men2 mekap, polah facial free..n aku suka urutan nya haha cedap!!
izzatul :: best nengra nya bercerita hehe ^^
julia:: nya tok lucu..pnde soh kta tetak n ceria bh..i liiike
risma:: nya tok owez having fun--mbak men game jutaria smape berjam2 x benti2, amik video menari2, nyanyi..,begambar..pnde urut juak ;P
chee2:: pun lucu...geng kaoke..nya men gitar mek org nyanyi..n tkg baiki lapto mek org yg usak..bait ^_^

  • ayu n chee bergambr dgn water tower hehehe..tggi mek duak kan...muaxx love chee~~

tok lah adik beradik ku..hehe sama tggi kan..they are the best girls in the world hehehe...kmrg memng macm geng..sama palak..hehe makseh for the flower n the cards with beautiful words sis..♥ u guys!!
tok la my family..i really2 love so much!! *nana, est, mak, bpk, mela~
bh diat la gmbr i hehe
* dgn xmalunya i presenting..hehe~~
  • d bawah tok, pic aku d sekitar konvo day ya...kntrol jak sampe kanak sinde zatul n risma *ada gaya senyum yg dh brapa lamak practice d cermin hahaha...bante jak sinde ya haha..;P
princess ayu


  1. hahaha...bruk best ka adehhhh hehe
    xbest post ku slamak tok...p best mengimbau bh pkra ria hehe....n cita pasl kita suma yg lucu ^^

  2. best yg tok..byk gmbr colorful gik lain best juak bh..p tok kan latest, so tok best gik..;p
